As customers, you access to our solution like a software as a service.
- Automatic product updates
- Tools not restrained
- All inclusive offer
- Your creative output and publicity images appear at a moment’s notice.
The back office is the tool to manage what you want to see on our screens.
It is an online tool. This web application is exclusive to our customers.
- Easy to use
- Management interface from your PC, tablet, or smartphone
- Secure management interface
- Available in French and in English
Manage medias
- Add picture
- Delete picture
- Create composition
- Delete composition
- Edit composition
Manage kiosks (digital totem, screens, …)
- Set the media to display
Upcoming Features
- Media planning to display
- Action history
- Manage users
b2b-alive OS © is our robust operating system based on the Linux kernel and go technology developed by Google.
This operating system is integrated with all our screens.
- System update automatically with confidence
- System reliability